Professor Vakalis is an internationally renowned conservator-restorer with 45 years of experience in the field. His areas of expertise include stone artifacts, easel paintings, wall paintings and polychrome wooden sculptures.

In addition to being a restorer, Professor Vakalis has been involved in the field of education, restoration planning and runs his own restoration business in Rome.

In 2009 he was the co-founder of the International Institute for Restoration and Preservation Studies and held the position of co-director and as instructor at the San Gemini Preservation Studies Program until May 2023. He also worked as a restoration consultant for the archaeological excavation of the public baths at Carsulae and planned the pilot conservation worksite on a sector of the walls of the site. Since then, he has created a new conservation school.

He has worked extensively in Italy but has also worked on educational projects in many countries including China, Egypt, Morocco, Algeria, Sudan, Jordan, Iraq, Kosovo, Albania, Libya, Antigua, Greece and the USA under contract with Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage, the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs – International Cooperation , ISIAO – Italian Institute for Africa and Middle and Far East-Rome, Italy, ISMEO - The International Association for Mediterranean and Oriental Studies , University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee , UNESCO, ICCROM - International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property , World Monument Fund, Roma Tre University, Rome, Italy.


Master's degree in Conservation by the Istituto Centrale Per II Restauro, Rome


Adjunct Professor: Istituto Centrale Per II Restauro, from 2016 to 2018

Adjunct Professor: West Virginia University, 2018 to present

Adjunct Professor: Notre Dame University, 2023 to present